Party Supplies | Construction Theme | Thank You | Instant Download | Printable Tags
Make your little builder's birthday party a hit with these construction-themed favor bag tags! These high-quality, vibrant tags feature a variety of construction vehicles, adding an extra touch of excitement to your party favors. With these tags, you can easily express your gratitude to your guests. These construction-themed favor bag tags are the perfect addition to create a memorable and fun-filled celebration that is loads of fun! To build an extra special thank you gift, pair these cards with these cute *construction coloring books.
There's always something to celebrate!
- You will receive a PDF file with four cards per page, each measuring 3.5" x 3.5". To ensure the best results, choose the "Fit to Page" option (or equivalent) when printing on 8.5" x 11" paper or cardstock.
- Please note that you are buying a digital file that you will have to print yourself. This purchase does not include a physical item and nothing will be sent to you through mail.
- Upon purchasing this file, you agree to use it for personal purposes only. Sharing, distributing, or using it for commercial gain is prohibited. The design of this file is the intellectual property of The Tiger's Trunk, LLC, and any unauthorized use will be subject to legal action.
Color sample shades may vary depending on your viewing device.